A Druid Ritual for the Winter Solstice


Make the Most of This Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice is fast approaching and with it we can take advantage of this longest night/shortest day with an easy Druid Ritual.  This year it falls on Thursday 21st December 2017.  There is very little growing above ground, whilst underground the roots are thriving bringing grounding and strength to the plants and trees in their future growth.  This is the time when we can connect to our core and strengthen our roots and belief in ourselves for the coming year.  

Rest, come inwards, be still and dream a little

Utilise the darkness and reflect on the last year.

What insights can you gather, what understanding of your life so far?

In preparation for this time of year which beckons us to reflect and focus on our inner world, think of some habits which you would like to let go.

What does not give you pleasure?

What does not fill you with joy, happiness and love?

And what would you like to do more of?

How is your relationship with yourself and others?

What seeds need to be sown now, for 2018?

What intentions would you like to make?

On the actual day of the Winter Solstice

Some Druids get up before dawn to watch the Solstice sunrise.  For the ultimate experience find a place where you can see the whole horizon, ground into the earth using your breath and intention and connect. If you do this with friends you could have breakfast afterwards with them! Throughout the day think about the questions above, looking back on 2017.  Then look forwards and dream about how you could live 2018 with an open heart, living from the core of yourself, living your most inspirational life. 

On the evening of the Winter Solstice

Light a candle if you wish, and then write down everything that you would like to leave behind you.  Everything that you would like to let go of, all habits and thoughts, belief systems about yourself that no longer give you joy. Write everything down on one piece of paper, or lots of pieces.  Let this be conscious, be in the moment and alive.

(Responsibly!) light a fire inside or outside, and as you throw the paper into the fire, say out loud, ‘I am letting go of …..’  Do this before midnight and have a Salt Bath afterwards. As the bath water goes down the plughole when you have finished, affirm what you are letting go of.

I hope you have a wonderful Solstice and if you would like more information on the Ritual or about anything in this blog please be in touch here.

Paula Adams