How Brennan Healing Can Benefit Surgery


Brennan Healing benefits Surgery providing quicker healing and less pain.

Happiness is having surgery that is pain free, that you can heal from quickly and have no after effects.

I have been walking with Clare on her healing journey for a while now.  Four weeks ago she underwent hip replacement surgery on her right hip and sought Brennan Healing to support her.

The ideal time for any surgery to be performed is between the full moon and new moon, during the waning moon period.  Wounds do not bleed as much and scarring is less.  

What happens before surgery can be life-changing

We chose the best day during the waning moon period which greatly reduced any anxiety Clare had regarding the operation.  The day before the operation,  Clare came to see me for a Brennan Healing.

She set her intention for the surgery to be successful and recovery quick.

We were in contact the day of the surgery and just as the surgeon finished the operation, I gave Clare a long distance healing from my cabin.

I facilitated wound healing, prevented bruising from the surgery and stabilised Clare and her energy.  I cleared, strengthened, balanced and repaired the hip and restructured her energy consciousness system.  This restructuring involved rebuilding Clare’s energy field in the area which was operated on.

What happens after surgery is also important

Because I was able to work with Clare immediately after her operation, I was able to reduce the stress to her body and energy field.  This trauma can die dormant in our cellular memory for many years, resulting in further pain.

Clare had one other long distance healing, in which she laid in her bed and relaxed while I worked on her energy field in my cabin.  It seems strange doesn’t it yet  our energy field is just like radio waves which your radio pick up!

Enhancing and supporting traditional healthcare and treatment protocols

It has been such an honour to work as part of a team with Clare’s hip.  Brennan Healing is a complementary modality that enhances and supports medical treatment.  I firmly believe that if we work together we can lessen the pain and suffering of humankind.

Four weeks after major surgery, Clare often forgets to use her stick and can negotiate stairs and the outside.  Clare is inspirational to me and she is looking forward to walking and getting on her mini tractor to cut the grass which is quickly growing in this Spring of 2018.

If you would like further information about this for yourself or a loved one then please contact me on 075 050 62381.

May you always know your needs and have the support around you xx

Paula Adams