Paula Adams

Spiritual Support for Earthly Pain

Hi, I’m Paula.

I work with women, just like you, to release deep emotions and trauma.

You’ll discover how to live from your own light & inner wisdom (rather than being driven by unconscious pain).

Here’s how your life can transform:

  • You’ll feel free to be exactly who you are (instead of dumbing down to meet other people’s expectations)

  • Every day will feel fun, joyful, playful, and abundant (no more wishing your life away)

  • All your decisions will come from a grounded, heart-centred place (rather than fear-based)

So if you’re feeling stuck, low, and lost…


I know you might not feel like you’re enough, but that’s not the truth.

(It never has been!)

All of the disappointments, failures, the disillusionment that you might have about life, they are just smoke screens. The feelings are real … I totally get and honour that, and there is a much bigger reality that is available for you right now … it’s a reality that has you knowing your divine purpose, that has you connected to a deep sense of yourself, and has you out in the world rocking and having a voice.

And that is why I am here on this Earth … to support women like you who know that there is something else available for you but you just don’t know how to get it right now. 

I have walked your path and I am here to help you have a different experience

Explore and deep dive to find your truest self

Get more honesty and clarity in your relationships

Feel grounded within yourself and allow your true voice to be seen and heard.

so you can live your Soul’s purpose and allow your beautiful essence to shine through.

I have discovered self-worth and self-love, which in turn has given me the confidence to make important life decisions both in my career and personal life. There can be nothing more important than recognising and feeling our own value; it is life-changing.
— Dianne

Many women who have been where you are now, have taken the leap of faith and successfully made their transformation

You can create the life that will fulfil you, align you with your purpose and be able to fully show up as the spiritual powerful being that you are meant to be.

Hi, I’m Paula Adams and it’s my mission and my honour to enlighten and transform conscious women who are feeling stuck, who feel like something is missing, who are carrying a heavy emotional weight, to really connect into their deepest truth, to show up as their brightest, most vibrant self so that they can create lives that are full, that are connected and harmonious.